The Future of Cities: A Data-Driven Approach to Tackling Grand Challenges and Building Sustainable, Resilient Communities explores how place leaders — mayors, urban visionaries, and catalysts — armed with data-driven decision-making and citizen-science, can tackle grand challenges such as sustainability, health, education, security, and poverty. By examining real-world examples and data analysis, the book reveals how data-driven leadership equips cities to implement effective solutions that serve local communities. The book empowers leaders with actionable steps to build a more sustainable, equitable, and thriving future for all by leveraging the collective intelligence and collaborative spirit that citizen science ignites. 

This report on the “Factors of Leadership Attitude Enhancing Interregional Collaboration” explores how the leadership of the cross-border partnerships effect the motivation and commitment within the partnership by comparing attitudes of leaders and participants to explore the potential for more effective operation. The assessment framework has been developed with the aim to assist leading stakeholders of interregional collaborative actions to ensure efficiency, sustainability and success of their projects in achieving their objectives.

The chapter on “Urban and Regional Leadership” in the Encyclopaedia of Urban and Regional Futures presents the interdependence of leadership on governance systems, stakeholders’ involvement, and monitoring and evaluation linked to research and innovation strategies, building on the notion of leadership’s contributing to transforming places to become resilient in adapting to social and environmental changes.

The article on “Leadership Impact on Motivation and Commitment in Interregional Collaborations” pilots the assessment framework allows to evaluate the impact of leadership on motivation and commitment of cross-border collaborative actions. Regularly assessing the impact of leadership on the motivation and commitment of actors across participating entities contributes to the efficiency and sustainability of collaborative actions by signalling issues of motivation and commitment.

The article on “Leadership to Address Urban Environmental Challenges” looks at the context and impact of leadership at the urban level in actions addressing specific agendas related to climate and the environment, providing an insight into how leadership contributes to transforming places, organisations and capabilities leading to better adaptation to social, economic and environmental changes.